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Vinson Massif: Next Team is Ready to Meet Dave Hahn at Union Glacier

Greetings, Today was another fairly relaxed day for us. We had taken care of all our packing and last minute shopping yesterday, so we were ready for the "weigh in" at 11:30. ALE, the company in charge of all the flight logistics, came to the hotel to weigh and collect all our checked baggage for the flight tomorrow. It will be loaded into the plane tonight and be ready to go whenever we get the green light. We had our flight briefing at the ALE office at 5:00 pm. All the passengers (climbers and skiers) were there, about 45 total, to learn about the procedures for flying to Antarctica. As you might guess, this is definitely not a normal flight. It's a cargo plane. There are no window seats, overhead bins, or cabin crew. The plane was built for only two reasons, hauling cargo and landing in "off strip" runways. And a blue ice runway in the interior of Antarctica definitely qualifies as "off strip". At the airport in Punta Arenas, we will board the plane in 40-45 degree temperatures, wearing or carrying our Antarctica clothing. The flight, about 3000 kilometers, takes about 4 1/2 hours, and when you de-plane, you are literally on a different continent, but more importantly, it is one of the coldest and remote places in the world. When you step outside, the temperature will be about -15 degrees Fahrenheit at Union Glacier. And that does not include any windchill. We got a flight update tonight at 7:30 pm. Tomorrow morning, they will get an updated weather report from Union Glacier at 7:00 am and after reviewing the new information, will call us between 7:30 and 8:30 am. If the weather looks good, they will give us a flight time with about 30 minutes to get ready for the shuttle to the airport. If there is any concern about the weather, they will give us the time for the next weather update. Hopefully the first call we get is the call to get ready, that the flight is a go. We have already had dinner and are back at the hotel. We wanted to have an early night in anticipation of the big day tomorrow. We'll keep you posted. Best, RMI Guide Jeff Martin

Comments (3)

As with your folks we’ve got you all on the prayer list for a safe and successful trip and summit. Hopefully we’ll be able to zero in on the correct blog so we can experience as much of it as possible. God Bless and God speed!

Posted by: Art & Smokey Bickel on

Well, off to Antarctica. It’s hard here to imagine the cold or fully grasp the team’s excitement. Travel well, enjoy the experience and return home safely. You’re in our prayers.

Posted by: Bob Sullvan on

Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding”. How excited we are back home to be following your progress. We are all doing well. Can’t even fathom the temperatures you are getting ready to experience, but know that you are prepared and will do exceptionally well!!!! Remember Who has gone before you. We’re praying. By the way, last night Dad and I went to the LSO Christmas concert with Cantate and the Lynchburg College Hand Bell Choir.  Outstanding!!! Tons of love, Mom

Posted by: Betty Sullivan on

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