Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Turn Around at 18,000ft on Antisana
Posted by: Dustin Wittmier, Michael Murray
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Ecuador
Elevation: 18,000'
Monday, December 11, 2023 - 8:45 pm PT
So it goes with climbing sometimes we take what the mountain gives us and unfortunately that isn't always the summit. The team awoke around 11pm to beautiful weather and had an incredible few hours of climbing under the stars on the upper slopes of Antisana. Every member of Team Cuy Frito showed off their impressive strength navigating a breathtaking and complex glacier, it was really a sight to see. As the team got just above 18,000 feet, we encountered some instabilities in the snow and made the decision to turn around due to avalanche concerns. While we didn't get to stand on top of this one, it was still a wonderful day of climbing. It has been a joy to watch the team come together as one big goofy family over the course of this adventure. We will all be coming back with memories to last a lifetime and our head's held high knowing we kicked some serious butt in the mountains along the way. Thank you for all the support at home and we will be seeing you all soon!
RMI Guide Michael Murray
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Ecuador Volcanoes: Wittmier & Team Arrive at Antisana Basecamp
December 10, 2023
Comments (1)
Hey Dustin & Team!
You gave it your best and Im sure it was an Incredible experience! Being a farmer Mother Nature is always the boss and sometimes she will over rule us!
Farmer Dave
Posted by: Dave Kestel on