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Ecuador Seminar: Knoff & Team Rest and Prepare for Chimborazo

It is crazy to think our team has been together for over ten days now. We have accomplished much, seen a lot, bonded well and now seem more like family than strangers gathering in a hotel lobby meeting for the first time. This is the only time I can remember, on any trip, that all nine climbers arrived as individuals. There are no couples, no family groups, just adventurous souls coming to Ecuador to climb mountains and learn some skills. Until now I think things have gone quite well. Good climbing and good culture has defined the past ten days. Now the plot thickens. Today we arrived at Chimborazo. This mountain is the highest point from the center of the earth and an overall giant of sheer prominence. Today though was great. After enjoying the latest wake up call of the journey, a nice late breakfast, a casual four hour bus ride and a home cooked meal in Chimborazo's Refugio, this was as close to an honest rest day as we've had since leaving Quito. Which, after climbing two big mountains in the last four days is a good thing! This mountain is known for its challenging climbing, cold conditions and steep slopes. It will take every bit of energy to reach its 20,564 summit. Currently the team is feeling mostly recovered from Cotopaxi and is excited to move to high camp tomorrow located at 16,400 feet high on Chimborazo's western flanks. We will let you know how the move goes tomorrow. Sending hugs to all those following along. Wish us luck. RMI Guide Adam Knoff & Team

Comments (1)

Whoa, Hugs received. Thank you!

It’s now 3pm in California on Jan 10.  I expect you are all currently resting in preparation for the early start for summit day tomorrow.  That being said I don’t anticipate this message will reach you before you return from the summit but I’m super hyped for the team and the challenge you are taking on.  My thoughts are with you for an amazing day of climbing. 

Ha ha, I not a poet, but…......I’ve written a short poem for the team describing how I envision Chimborazo summit day.  Enjoy!
The Summit
Heart pounding, Lungs starving, Step. Repeat.
Beauty unimagined -

Looking forward to the summit update and your safe return.
With love and hugs

Posted by: Jacquie Byatt on

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