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Ecuador Volcanoes: Team Reach Summit in unfavorable weather

After a late start due to poor weather last night, the team got moving this morning with the promise of a nicer day.  However, conditions deteriorated once they reached the glacier with humidity and worrisome flashes of lightning in the distance.  Those flashes ended up subsiding and the weather turned marginally better making it possible to reach the summit of Cayambe.  Just a few members of the team reached the 18,997' summit, but everyone fought hard with every step.  All team members pushed themselves today and will enjoy a rest day at the Chilcabamba Eco Lodge tomorrow. 

We have our hopes for better weather on Cotopaxi and I know that any of these climbers stand a good chance to reach the summit of one of the highest active volcanoes in the world!

RMI Guide Dustin Wittmier

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