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Antisana Express: Wittmier, Lyddan & Team Begin in Quito

Flying into Quito you begin to grasp the magnitude and astounding beauty of the volcanoes surrounding the city. The dichotomy of the lush Amazonian rainforest and the high, snowy mountains leaves one with a sense of the diverse ecosystems of Ecuador. Our first day included trip introductions, getting to know each other and exploring the city. We spent the first half of the day at the equatorial line, learning about the indigenous people of the Amazon and their culture. The second half of the day we explored old Quito, checking out stunning architecture and discussing the current politics of Ecuador. Our second day we took a teleferico or gondola up to around 13,000ft to begin our acclimating hike up to the summit of Rucca Pichincha at 15,354ft. Everyone enjoyed snacks and laughs at the summit before heading back to Quito for a delicious Mediterranean dinner.

RMI Guide Emma Lyddan

Comments (2)

Best of Luck to the entire team from US, especially from Chicago and NY. Wish I was there with you guys.

Good Luck on Antisana and Chimborazo.  Carpei Diem…!!!

Fernando Carranza Sr.

Posted by: Fernando R Carranza on

Stunning sunset!

Posted by: Jean Wittmier on

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