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Aconcagua: Cifelli & Entire Team Reach Summit!

It’s a beautiful thing, to challenge yourself to something you truly don’t know you can accomplish. You figure out truths about yourself that otherwise would be lost behind the comforts of home and the assuredness of monotony. It’s a beautiful thing to know that despite the outcome of an expedition, you’ll return with a lifelong memory. 

A lifelong memory we sure had. Today was a hard fought battle full of wind, clouds, and sideways snow. On typical summit days we revel in the brief reprieve from the cold at two rest stops, Independencia and the cave. Today, we were met with swirling clouds and snow; nothing but glimpses of the sun as the clouds whipped over Aconcagua. Though we weren’t treated to the views that Aconcagua had to offer we weren’t short of a sense of accomplishment. I am so proud to say that 100% of the team stood on top of the Americas today. We were more than likely the highest people touching the earth at the time. Congrats team. 

I do owe the team an explanation though. Ever since I was a kid, i hated the attribution of the saying “ that’s Just my luck” to mean bad luck. Ever since, whenever something good would happen, I’d say the line. The team heard plenty of it during the trip. Saying “ just my luck” to getting an extra lunch, or when the weather forecast was in our favor. Except you just read the above, the forecast wasn’t exactly in our favor, so what gives. Of course some things don’t go in my favor all the time, weather included, but the team showed up in the best shape of their lives, need I remind you we went 100%. The team showed up ready to mentally handle the hardship and discomfort of the wind, snow, and cold. The team gelled and laughed the entire time. So who gives a shit about the weather. If that’s not “ just my luck” I don’t know what is. 

 Congrats again, Team! For a hard fought summit and an excellent trip. 

RMI Guide Dominic Cifelli

Comments (6)

Congrats & strong work to all!! Shout out to my boy Koch for conquering South America! Have a safe trip down.

Posted by: Jeff Vos on

Congratulations, Mikayla and the rest of the team!  Looks a little warmer there than AK

Posted by: Katherine Forsyth on

So incredibly proud of the whole team and you were such a fantastic leader Dominic! Shout out to my darling husband Myles O’Neill! From all your kids and me we are so grateful! ❤️

Posted by: Fionnuala Walsh on

Congratulations!!!!!! You made it.  So amazing and what a journey!  You all are incredible individuals and mountaineers.

Posted by: Eddie DaPra on

CONGRATULATIONS! It’s been awesome following your progress.  What an accomplishment!

Celebrate and then concentrate on getting down safely.

P.S. I’m proud of you all but especially my girl, Mikayla!

Posted by: Michelle DeMers on

Helluva accomplishment TEAM! Y’all will have to go on another expedition together

Posted by: John Green on

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