Mt. Rainier: Five Day Teams with Hailes & Grom Train and Climb to Ingraham Flats
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Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier

The Five Day Climb June 15 - 19 ascend to Camp Muir on Day 3 after a day and a half training and preparing. They spent Day 4 of their program practicing cramponing up Muir peak and fixed line travel, and went over knots and hitches. RMI Guide Casey Grom and two other guides went up high doing some route work and shoveling the new snow from Disappointment Cleaver. Today the team went to Ingraham Flats and watched the sunrise over Muir peak and western Washington. Unfortunately unstable snow conditions from Monday's storm prevented from safely climbing any higher. The team will descend to Paradise later this morning and conclude their program later this afternoon at Rainier BaseCamp.
PC: Tatum Whatford
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