Aconcagua: King & Team Move Into Camp 2

Hello from Camp 2 -
Our team has now ascended to 18000' and set up camp. We had a slow roll out of camp thanks to a bit of wind gusting overhead. We decided we might enjoy a little later start to the day, so we hung around until about 10:30 to let the sun warm things up and push those pesky winds farther east.
The Team felt the push to 18k and the gusting winds, grey skies and colder temps didn't make for a lot of conversation. Now tucked in at 18,000' the Team is sport eating and resting in their tents. The winds have calmed down and the sun is baking the tent fabric, this creates an optimal napping microclimate.
We miss you all and are jubilant to be in a position for summiting on the 13th.
Warmest of regards,
RMI Guides Mike King, JM Gorum & the team
Comments (5)
Excited over your progress. All our friends are keeping a close watch! Keep up the good work and good luck.
Posted by: wendy daverman on
My third grade class is keeping tabs on your journey. It’s exciting to see your updates. We wish you well and hope you summit as planned.
Posted by: Dena Bedsole (Kevin's sister-in-law) and Class on
Nice to hear all is going well enjoying the updates .
Posted by: Mark and helen on
I can not help but wonder what speed eating is. Sounds like something I might enjoy!! Safe travels to all.
Posted by: Betty (Art's sister) on
Good luck over the next few days.
Posted by: Cathy Dunbar on