Denali Expedition: King & Team Cache Gear at 12,500’
Posted by: Mike King, JT Schmitt, Ben Ammon
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Denali
Elevation: 11,000'

Tuesday, June 12, 2018 - 5:32 PM PT
We'd already sent in the dispatch yesterday and then skies cleared up and we enjoyed a sunny evening. Today however, we woke to grey skies up above and clouds pouring over Kahiltna Pass. The teams in camp all got a slow roll to see who would break trail up Motorcycle Hill. This led to a bottleneck and a slow pace. After an hour the clouds had descended and snow was blowing. Our goal today was a cache around Windy Corner, but due to the volume of climbers, new snow and low visibility we opted for a 12,500' cache. We are back at Camp at 11,000' hoping to get a chance to move up to 14,000' Camp in the next few days.
RMI Guide Mike King
On The Map
Comments (1)
Just guessing this is where I find Lindsay J and Matt F. (Didn’t get Team info, so taking a guess). Guess you two will be dusting off those snow shoveling skills! No more dragging tires in 100 degrees…now it gets REAL! Enjoy every minute.
Posted by: Ellen Mader on