Aconcagua Expedition: Cifelli & Team Enjoy Day of Rest
Posted by: Dominic Cifelli, Ben Luedtke, Michael Murray
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Aconcagua
Elevation: 13,800'

"Rest is the sweet sauce of labor"
Today was a day of rest, as well as a day of mystery. Who is commenting on the blog anonymously? Is Alaska simultaneously the most Northern, Western, and Eastern state? Can burros actually type? Cows are eating chickens? We may have answers to some of these questions, but others remain a mystery.
Anywho, we enjoyed a delicious breakfast before taking a nice walk to stretch the legs and spent the rest of the day relaxing, charging devices, and mentally preparing to leave our sweet base camp sanctuary for the upper mountain. In the next ten days we will test ourselves mentally and physically as we come together to climb higher on this mountain with a goal of summiting the tallest mountain in South America. It will not be easy, but I have faith in this team that we can buckle down and take care of business up there. We sincerely appreciate the love and support we have been receiving from home, it truly makes a difference.
I will leave you all with a Haiku from our time at basecamp:
Wine, Steak, Starlink, Naps
We Are Not Playing Euchre?
Yeehaw, Uphill Now
- RMI Guide Michael Murray
Comments (3)
Some great rest before some serious climbing. Love the haiku. I had to read the rules on Euchre and still not sure I understand what that game is all about. Here’s to the entire team working together and sharing in a joy of summiting. Get it Ben!
Posted by: Ed DaPra on
Good luck Mikayla and the rest of the team! You got this. May the weather be better than Denali ;)
Posted by: Pete Tymitz on
Why are cows eating chickens? I enjoyed the Haiku.
When I was in the Air Force, during a leadership course the instructor discussed a NASA study where they found having a woman on the missions improved the overall performance of the team. Turns out the men were better and stronger at their tasks, complained less, suffered less illness, and were better behaved. Mikayla you have an important role just by being you!
You all have prepared physically and mentally for this—now go get your mountain!
Posted by: Michelle DeMers on