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Machu Picchu: Grom & Team Reach Machu Picchu

Hello again from Peru.

What an amazing two days we’ve had!

Yesterday the team had a big day hiking the Inca Trail from Llulluchapampa to Winay Wayna. It was a beautiful day with outstanding views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Along the way we visited several Incan ruins, including Winay Wayna, which is considered a mini Machu Picchu. We wrapped up the our last night camping in the mountains with another wonderful meal and said our goodbyes to incredibly gracious crew of 20 porters and 4 cooks and handed out their much deserved tips.

Today the team rose early for our final hike into Machu Picchu. We left camp shortly after 4 a.m. and headed to the entrance where we had to wait a short while for the park to open up. We hiked for a little more than an hour before reaching the famous Sun Gate of Machu Picchu, where the winter solstice sun rises to shine on the center of Machu Picchu. Unfortunately it was very socked in and so we took a long break hoping it would clear up. Thankfully right as we had given up on the clouds clearing and started our way down the trail the clouds parted and we had stunning views. We spent the majority of the day taking in the scenery, taking endless pictures and touring the grounds of the majestic place. I’ll be the first to tell you that all the pictures and articles about this place don’t come close to how astonishing this place is in person.

The team has safely descended to the valley floor and have had hot shower and are relaxing in our comfortable hotel!


RMI Guides Casey Grom and Jess Wedel, and the Chaskis (Incan mountain runners).

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