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Aconcagua: Cifelli & Team Reach Plaza Argentina Base Camp

Today was a concatenation of surprises which threw all of us in a vortex of emotions and awe! The journey started o’dark early, navigating from the Vacas Valley at Casa de Piedra, straight into fridged knee high white waters to access our next route.  Pins and needles shocked our legs but the cold waters quickly awakened those that were not yet awake.  The team was ready as we headed into the Relinchos Valley, navigating the long narrow edges that overlooked the raging river stemming from Cerro Aconcagua as the team deadheaded towards base camp.  Passing many mules and sparking multiple conversations of chapacubras, lemmings, and jackalopes, helped to preoccupy our conversations and made for a quick traverse. We were treated by Dom and Ben to a delicatessan delight with homemade ham and cheese sandwiches which was a bonus and boosted our spirits. We climbed high and at a good pace until we reached Aconcagua’s base camp.

Other highlights - we saw an Argentine Bolo Mouse which Ben said had a poisonous tail, passed by a heard of Guanacos as they gazed the fields, and mistook the sound of the closing bathroom doors for thunder snow.

All in all a great day as it could only be summed up only to this Aconcagua Slayers Rhyme:

Twas the night before base camp, two camps down one to go! From Pampas de Leñas to Casa de Piedra, all bedded down early, and ready to roll.  Tossing and turning, the thin air spoiled in their sleep. The stench from no showers wrenched as they slept. Tucked tightly in their tents, the storms rattled and the winds howled, but did not prove to be a battle!  No cap!

Dressed in their Patagucci, all tired and weak, they strolled with their feet, crossing creek to creek. The harsh cold weakened and dampened their feet but was match to slow the Aconcagua Slayers beat.  Morale was so high that they could not deny, they trekked on to no demise and accomplished their prize! Base camp conquered, what a feat, nothings going to stop the Patagucci peeps! 

Time for some Farkle gone wild.

RMI Climber Nathan Karlen

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