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Vinson Massif: Mallory & Team at High Camp in Position for Summit Bid

Another brisk night broke clear and calm at Low Camp and when we poked our heads out of the tent this morning, we caught site of a new scene for us down here: not a cloud in the sky and not a puff of wind blowing over the mountain tops above. It was a good sign that it was time to move to High Camp. We packed up our gear, rationing down the extra wait and second sets of miscellaneous gear to keep our pack weights manageable and set off for High Camp. Crossing the upper portions of the Branscomb Glacier to the fixed lines was warm - hot even - as the sun baked down on us and the white faces all around us reflected the rays. We were down to climbing in just a few light fleece layers and our mood matched the high temps. Mid afternoon found us beginning to climb the large 3,000' face off of the glacier to the upper plateau of the Vinson Massif. We put our heads down and made solid, steady progress up the lines that run up the face. We paused at series of ledges partway up for a quick bite to eat and a drink and then continued upwards, reaching the top by early evening. Another hour of climbing a gentle glacial slope brought us into high camp and we quickly set about hacking a flat tent platform into the ice and frozen snow. Once the ground was level and the tent was up we built a long snow wall out of blocks of snow to buffer us in the event of winds later tonight. After we were finally settled, we took a moment to venture over to the edge of camp where a sheer face drops away to the Branscomb far below. The view was nothing short of spectacular. The Antarctic Ice Sheet stretched out as far as we could see, shimmering on the horizon in the evening light. Below us, the Branscomb Glacier flowed around the foot of the face and down past Base Camp where it melted into the sea of ice. Above us, the summits of Shinn and Epperly stood watch over the landscape with Vinson's true summit hiding just behind the ridge line above High Camp. It was a solid day of effort to climb up here and set up a warm and comfortable camp but we're all feeling well and happy to be up here. If the weather holds we hope to make a summit bid tomorrow or the following day - depending on conditions. RMI Guide Linden Mallory & Team d'accord

On The Map

Comments (7)

Incredible stuff!! As Mal Moore used to say, “Leave somet’n ya’ momma gave ya’ out there…!”  Good luck on the summit!

Posted by: Tom on

It is now your new day, your Dec. 2nd, though we here in the USA are still in Dec. 1st. Hope all went super yesterday and thinking of you all. Big hug, Carol

Posted by: Carol Colleran on

Hey Greg!  Wishing you and the team all the best on your summit bid!!  Seeya soon Buddy!!!

Posted by: The Pages on

Nail it, guys!

Posted by: Brian Holcombe on

GET SOME…SEND IT…and all that!

Tell Slinger and Penn that if you run into a bunch of REI-packing wannabes trying wake you up in the morning or crowd your camp that you should tell them to “shut the F*CK up” and take your morning dump in their campsite…

Seriously, best of luck with your summit bid…thinking about all of you guys and, kinda, wishing I was there!


Posted by: Stephen Sullivan on

Good Morning Guys.  So fun following your adventure, but I can honesly say, I’m happy to be in Charlottesville, VA.  The last two weeks in the Northeast was cold enough for my thin blood.  I’m not sure which team John is on, but if you’re going to try to summit today, Good Luck to you all.  But please stay safe.  All’s well at home.  xoxo

Posted by: Dudley Macfarlane on

Great news! Happy summit! If Penn reads this tell him all is MUCH IMPROVED on the Homefront so not to worry! XO

Posted by: Kir on

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