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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Summit Climb Teams Reach Summit

RMI Guides Robby Young and Ben Liken led the May 8 - 11 Four Day Climb teams to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. Climbing conditions were good with lots of climbers on the mountain. The weather is beautiful with warm temperatures and clear skies. Once back at Camp Muir the teams will continue down to Paradise and return to Rainier BaseCamp. Congratulations to today's climbers!

Comments (4)

This was a great experience for me and my two boys, that we will never forget. Our team of climbers was made up of a great mix of people who all came together to get to the top. I’m proud have climbed with you guys and you’ve inspired me to be better.

On the guides; A thing I learned very early in my Marine Corps career was how to spot professionalism and raw, unfiltered competence. This is especially important when serving in a combat zone. You learn quick to spot people who know what the hell they are talking about because lives and mission rest on it. From the very first meeting it was very obvious to me that Rob, Josh and Chad had this talent in abundance and it became even more evident on the mountain. Thanks guys, you humbled this old Jarhead (not easy, lol), with your knowledge, physical ability and spot on climbing guidance.

I hope we get to climb together again soon

Semper Fi


PS: Tell Josh I’m working on my walking skills and hope to cut my future descent trip/falling to less than 10 per mile. ;).

Posted by: Paul Roarke on

Incredible experience!! So proud to climb alongside such an awesome team and couldn’t have asked for better guides.  Miss everyone already :) Thanks for everything!!

Posted by: Anna Dooner on

Agree with Mer-dady! (although thats kinda scary)

Whole guide team is da bomb!
Thanks for an awesome experience.

Posted by: John Dooner on

Dear Ben and Robby,
Still have pain in my legs, and sunburn on my lips BUT I already missed you guys and missed Mt. Rainier AND thinking how to come back again for another hike. This is the best comment I can write at the moment and tell you how much I enjoyed climbing with you guys and other BEN and other guide (I forgot his name!)
Will write more…
You guys are great !
Mehrdad (Mer-dady)

Posted by: Mehrdad Alipour on

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